Hi just stumble up on your blog see you enjoy a bargain. www.save-a-dime.blogspot.com Is my blog how you will drop in soon. I try to share all the money savings tips I come across.
What an awesome deal. I went to the store last night to pick up some cereal but came back emptyhanded because it was like $5.00 for a box that used to be $2.50. Even the cheapo generic brands were more than $3.00 for a small box! Way to get a good deal!!
just stumble up on your blog see you enjoy a bargain.
Is my blog how you will drop in soon. I try to share all the money savings tips I come across.
What an awesome deal. I went to the store last night to pick up some cereal but came back emptyhanded because it was like $5.00 for a box that used to be $2.50. Even the cheapo generic brands were more than $3.00 for a small box! Way to get a good deal!!
Thanks for the tip about Sonics.
I don't know if it is my area but I will check it out.
Just wanted to say
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