Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Good Deal For My Parents

So I wanted to help my parents in getting their year supply, and since TP was on sale for a good price...(try .19 cents per 4 pack...after my coupons)....(I know, I know, I couldn't get it for the free price this time, but the coupon was soon to expire)...I was able to help them out. And since a lot of you have been asking me to help you out with the whole coupon thing I don't mind. A lot of the times when I want to buy a mass number of things I get the coupons off of e-bay. (that is what I did in this case). E-mail me if you want to know more, this was just to good of a deal not to post!!

Grand Total in this photo: 51 four packs!!


ToddNSass said...

We always would like to know more!

Wendy said...

I would be happy to help you uh... put all that paper to good use. Don't know about you but I think the Morris' house could use some decoration. Perhaps the Leopards, the Plonskis or the Richins! You bring the TP and I will bring the Diet Coke to keep us awake. (I'm not as young as I used to be and while staying out late is just as fun as ever, it isn't as easy)

buddyandsarahaws said...

You are the reason Frys is always out when I try to get my free TP! :) Give me a heads up next time and send the coupons my way. :)

Priceless Heritage said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!